Can art play on the senses directly and bring home truths? Can it be a simple response to nature? With these feelings Ravi Shah sets out to bring ‘forests back to the city, which has imperceptibly yet steadily slipped away from Nature..’ as he puts it.
At Protospace the process began of gathering materials, works, artists & friends to involve in creating the show together ; resulting in a collage-like, multi-media (paintings, photographs, drawings, sculptures, videos, music, performance…) exhibition of various interpretations of different forest atmospheres; interpreted by a range of over 30 artists friends right from a 6 year old to Van Gogh.
‘I have this idea of creating a cumulative experience on the viewer as he or she moves through the show.. leaving her with a strong memory’ says he.
The large photo-prints entirely re-create the space of the studio; works involving the viewer requiring himself to experience directly; aspects affecting all the senses.. touch, sight, sound, smell… and even the Soul;
‘Foliage-Folio’ is a playful, fresh and simple ode to forests, simply asking :
Will you stop.. to wonder and stare
…In this life, full of ‘care’? Exhibition dates: 24 th to 31st July 2010, 9am -9pm11 am on 24 th: Prose Reading and Live Music7 pm on 31st : Performed Experience by Vasu C